Emily Progin, PR & Social Media Coordinator
[email protected] / 800.642.8399
Release: Immediate
Even Simple Chores Can Lead to Broken Bones
NEWARK, Ohio—October 30 is Hypophosphatasia (HPP) Awareness Day. For one Newark man, the awareness day is highly personal: David Talkington was diagnosed with the rare bone disease as an infant and copes with its startling effects on a daily basis. He is fundraising with the national nonprofit Help Hope Live for an accessible vehicle.
HPP is a metabolic bone disease that causes people like David to break bones extremely easily—so easily, in fact, that just turning over too quickly in bed could leave him with a broken leg. Symptoms also include muscle weakness, joint and bone pain, and trouble healing from injuries. David worked a full-time job until, in 2008, he broke two femurs within six months. He began to rely partially on a power chair to support safe mobility.
Many diagnosed with HPP struggle with debilitating long-term complications, including kidney problems, dental and respiratory issues, neurological damage, and even partial paralysis. “Pain and fractures have a profound impact on day-to-day life,” explained Deborah Fowler, President of Soft Bones, the US Hypophosphatasia Foundation, an organization that supports HPP research and education. “The bone deformities make it difficult to walk or run, and muscle weakness often forces people diagnosed with HPP to resort to a sedentary lifestyle.”
David is hoping to avoid some of the isolating effects of HPP by staying active and connected to his community. His essential next step: to acquire a modified van, an expense rarely covered by insurance, so he can retain his independence and attend appointments and physical therapy sessions. As his wife, Sharon, explains, “The van brings a great hope for the future and a confidence that he will gain a better quality of life.” David is fundraising with the nonprofit Help Hope Live at helphopelive.org. His goal is $65,000.
Donate at any time in honor of David D Talkington at helphopelive.org or by calling 800.642.8399. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and all funds raised will be used to offset medical expenses via Help Hope Live’s Great Lakes Catastrophic Illness Fund.
Help Hope Live is a national nonprofit that specializes in engaging communities in fundraising campaigns for people who need a transplant or are affected by a catastrophic injury or illness. Since 1983, campaigns organized by Help Hope Live have raised over $131 million to pay patient expenses.
Written by Emily Progin