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Voices of Hope | 6.30.16

The 2016 Transplant Games In 3 Words: Joy, Inspiration, Resilience

Every year, the Transplant Games provides an opportunity for transplant recipients and donors to come together to celebrate the gift of life. This year’s Games were held in Cleveland, Ohio […]

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Voices of Hope | 6.22.16

Voices of Hope: “There Is Always Someone To Lean On”

Husband and father Martin Vece has served the community for decades as a performer and teacher. We asked Marty how his wife and three daughters help him to cope with […]

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Voices of Hope | 6.17.16

Voices Of Hope: It’s Been One Year Since My Heart Transplant

Avid cyclist Bill Soloway was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the 1990s. The debilitating effects of the condition forced him to cut back on his favorite hobbies and his career […]

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Voices of Hope | 6.14.16

Five Myths About Caregiving

“The word ‘caregiver’ often conjures up the image of someone who stands next to a bed distributing pills or wiping a brow. In reality, a caregiver takes on numerous roles.  […]

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My Life As A Father And Grandfather Who Needs A Transplant

Kappy Pease is a father and grandfather living with a severe lung disease. He is on the waiting list for a lifesaving double lung transplant. We asked Kappy about his […]

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Voices of Hope | 5.31.16

Has Fundraising Helped You? You Can Pay It Forward!

Has fundraising had a positive impact on your life? You have an opportunity to give back to your community and support other families facing a medical crisis. Last week, we […]

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Voices of Hope | 5.27.16

Mobility Matters: How To Get The Equipment You Need

If your family has been affected by a catastrophic injury or illness, it can be a challenge to cover the costs associated with mobility and quality of life. Fundraising can […]

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How You Can Step Up To Support A Family Facing A Medial Crisis

Donating to HelpHOPELive isn’t the only way to support a family facing the financial and emotional burdens associated with a transplant. Just ask Danielle Bailey, who has helped three HelpHOPELive […]

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Voices of Hope | 5.20.16

5 Major Transplant Headlines You Missed

Here are some of the milestones and newsbreaks that have touched transplant families since this time last year. 5. Scientists 3D Print Human Body Parts After a decade of research, […]

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Voices of Hope | 5.12.16

Mobility Matters: Community Support Can Open Doors After Injury

As Mobility Awareness Month continues, we hear from Cole Sydnor, who was 16 when a diving accident left him paralyzed from the chest down. Today, almost five years after the […]

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