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Voices of Hope | 9.16.16

From Isolated To Independent: Celebrating National Assisted Living Week

Now in its 21st year, National Assisted Living Week celebrates the lives and achievements of individuals with disabilities, long-term illnesses and injuries. In observance of this year’s theme, “Keep Connected,” […]

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Voices of Hope | 9.14.16

6 People Who Inspire Us With Courage, Strength and Selflessness

Our signature fundraising gala Live It Up! kicks off at 6 p.m. on Friday, September 23, 2016 with a VIP reception for our generous sponsors and this year’s Live It […]

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Voices of Hope | 8.18.16

How “The Porkanizer” Overcame The Odds To Become A BBQ Legend

Sandy Fulton is not your average event planner. Under the affectionate nickname, “The Porkanizer,” Sandy organizes and grows events with passion and expertise from her lifetime of work in the […]

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Voices of Hope | 8.12.16

Voices Of Hope: “No Matter What Happens, We Always Love Each Other”

Yusef Harris is a loving father and a longtime community volunteer and youth mentor. Combating health issues since 2004, Yusef needs a kidney transplant to live a long and healthy […]

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New Video: Fundraising Changed My Life After A Spinal Cord Injury

In 2007, Jeff Harris was enjoying July 4 on the beach with friends when the unthinkable happened. “We were kicking a soccer ball around on the beach and my buddy […]

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Voices of Hope | 7.26.16

Gamers, Rejoice! New Science Says Video Games Improve Wellness

In 2015, a group of gamers played The Legend of Zelda for 150 hours straight to raise money for our nonprofit. Their efforts made a significant impact in the lives […]

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Voices of Hope | 7.19.16

Voices Of Hope: I Am Living Proof Of What An Organ Donor Can Do

Lauren Ann Arkens received a lung transplant in December 2015 after years of struggling with the effects of cystic fibrosis. She draws support from a strong community of friends and […]

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Voices of Hope | 7.14.16

Voices of Hope: Technology Supports Hobbies And Adventures After Injury

Susan “Suz” Welch had been living with severe arthritis for years when falls related to the condition caused her spinal cord to collapse in 2014. She is paralyzed from the […]

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