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Voices of Hope | 11.20.15

Love, Commitment and the Honest Life of a Caregiver

For National Family Caregivers Month this November, we’re profiling individuals who have taken on a caregiver role to support their loved ones. We interviewed Rich Reedy, who has been supporting […]

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Voices of Hope | 9.22.15

Making Connections After A Spinal Cord Injury Can Change Your Life

At age 13, a spinal cord injury changed Reveca Torres’s life. She began working with HelpHOPELive to fundraise for injury-related expenses in 2008. Now the executive director of the spinal […]

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Voices of Hope | 8.14.15

How A Marine and Father of Three Fights Multiple Sclerosis

Michael Carns is a Marine and National Guard member and a single father with three children. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2013. He experienced rapid physical deterioration. Within […]

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Voices of Hope | 7.23.15

Meet ‘The Most Accessible CEO In America’

Americans who use wheelchairs spend billions annually on travel and entertainment. Are American restaurants, hotels and hotspots prioritizing accessibility? Brett Heising, the founder and CEO of the accessibility review site […]

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What To Expect During A Pre-Transplant Assessment

Transplant care teams give living donors and transplant candidates psychosocial assessments to determine whether or not they are ready to move forward. Here are answers to your burning questions about […]

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Voices of Hope | 5.27.15

Best-Ever Advice After A Spinal Cord Injury

We asked four HelpHOPELive clients to answer a single question.The result is a series of powerful insights for anyone who is struggling to keep moving forward after a debilitating injury. […]

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