April is almost here! We’re sharing a few fundraising tools, photos of where we’ve been lately (we’ve been busy!), and other updates.
Hope Talk on April 4

We’ve announced a new Hope Talk on transitioning from hospital to home after a spinal cord injury.
Join us next Thursday, April 4 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET.
Our three panelists will discuss what it means to return home after an SCI—from how to adjust to your new life to how your hospital or rehab can support you to ensuring your home is accessible.
Can’t make it? Register to receive a recording of the conversation.
April Is Donate Life Month

Every April, we celebrate Donate Life Month—a time to recognize the impact of the gift of life on patients, donors and donor families, and the entire transplant community.
We recognize this annual awareness month with our Touched by Transplant series.
We interview Help Hope Live clients and community members to get perspectives on the pre- and post-transplant journey, the power of community support, and fundraising for transplant essentials.
Be sure you’re subscribed to this Latest blog so you can get updates when we post new Touched by Transplant stories.
Read past Touched by Transplant stories here.
New Fundraising Tips: Video

Is video an effective fundraising tool? The answer is YES, and in our latest fundraising post, we’ll tell you why.
Learn how creating video can help support a Help Hope Live fundraising campaign strategy, then get 10 creative ideas for your next video.
Stay tuned for five critical video basics at the end of the post on lighting, orientation, video length, and more.
Reminder: Hope in Action Is May 31

We hope you’re already getting excited about participating in Hope in Action on May 31.
On this exclusive fundraising day for the Help Hope Live community, we’ll cover the credit card fee for donations made in honor of a client at helphopelive.org—just like we do on GivingTuesday each year.
We can help you make the most of this fundraising opportunity with customized materials, email tips, social media posts, and more.
Start here:
Where We've Been
Our Outreach team and client Ambassadors have been busy this month—take a look!

We attended the fourth annual Reeve Summit in early March in Washington, D.C.
The experience was powerful, educational, hopeful, and full of meaningful connections.
Pictured below: Client Noah Williams and his mom, Naomi. Noah was recognized as the youngest speaker at the 2024 Reeve Summit.

Joined by Ambassadors, client families, and other key SCI community members, we learned about topics from pregnancy to representation to gun violence.
Pictured below: Director of Outreach Sonny with client Ambassador Julie Chambers.

Have you ever attended an Abilities Expo event? If not, you’re missing out!
These disability community gatherings are an opportunity to connect with other individuals and families as well as vendors, professionals, and nonprofits like ours.
Pictured below: Director of Outreach Sonny, far right, with client Xavier Long and his family.

We love getting the opportunity to meet Help Hope Live clients and Ambassadors in-person and catch up with some of our favorite content creators and organizations.
Pictured below: Executive Director Kelly L Green with our favorite vloggers: client Cole Sydnor and his wife, Charisma, of Roll with Cole & Charisma on YouTube.

We’re so appreciative of the Ambassadors who not only tell their own community about Help Hope Live but also go the extra mile (quite literally) to spread the word about our trusted medical fundraising.
That’s why we’re thankful to the transplant Ambassadors who took the time to spread the word about Help Hope Live at the 2024 Abilities Expo LA.
Pictured below: Karli and Sonny from our Outreach department with transplant client Ambassador Dylan Mortimer.

At Abilities Expo events, we get to see firsthand that community support extends beyond any one diagnosis.
All are welcome, all are respected, and every attendee gets the chance to access information and tools to help them live a more independent and fulfilling life.
Pictured below: Karli from our Outreach department with transplant client Ambassador Rachelle Ledbetter.

Whether you’re brand-new to the Help Hope Live community or a multi-decade fundraising veteran, we are so happy that you found us.
We hope you feel connected to your fundraising campaign and our mission.
Written by Emily Progin