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Ask A Professional: How To Prepare For A Kidney Transplant

There are more than 100,000 people waiting for kidney transplants in the United States. Over 3,000 new people are added to the kidney waiting list each month on average. We […]

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Voices of Hope | 4.19.16

Touched By Transplant: When I Met My Heart Donor’s Family

John “Skeeter” Coleman received a heart transplant in February 2016. Here’s what happened when he sought out the family of the man who donated his heart. As soon as I […]

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Voices of Hope | 3.10.16

Overcoming Barriers With Cerebral Palsy

Hi! I’m Chris Klein and this is my story. My life didn’t start out like my family expected. My umbilical cord was coming out before me, so the doctors had […]

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Voices of Hope: Living With LAM

I once wondered if I would make it to age 30; I’m 38 now. I am Nicole Seefeldt, and I have been living with the chronic lung disease lymphangioleiomyomatosis – […]

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Voices of Hope | 2.26.16

Voices of Hope: Celebrating Black History Month

February is Black History Month, an opportunity to delve into the unique challenges and triumphs experienced by African-Americans. Here are two client perspectives on coping with discrimination, holding onto hope […]

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Voices of Hope | 2.23.16

Life On The Heart Transplant Waiting List

Patrick McEntee was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in 1996. By 2008, he had experienced two strokes and a non-obstructive heart attack. He received an LVAD in 2014 and began fundraising with […]

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Voices of Hope | 2.16.16

Voices Of Hope: I Donated A Kidney To My Best Friend

Author and professional rock musician James Michael McLester was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease in his early thirties. He endured 13 years of regular hemodialysis before his best friend, Laura […]

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Voices of Hope | 2.10.16

Voices Of Hope: We Stayed Together After A Catastrophic Injury

Katie started dating Richard Travia when they were freshmen at Villanova University. Two years after graduation, Richard became paralyzed from the chest down after a diving accident at the beach. […]

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Mending A Broken Heart: Love And Transplantation

Rick Brittell was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 2011. In April 2014, Rick and his wife, Susie, moved from their home in Boise, Idaho to a trailer in Salt […]

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The 15 Best Medical Fundraising Tips Of 2015

Feel like you’re in a fundraising slump? Here are 15 tips from our fundraising experts that will help you start 2016 on the right foot. Find additional fundraising tips from […]

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