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April is Donate Life Month, and We Are Touched by Transplant

April is National Donate Life Month, a commemoration that we and our patients love to celebrate. This year, Donate Life America, who launched the awareness month in 2003 with its […]

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Voices of Hope | 6.30.16

The 2016 Transplant Games In 3 Words: Joy, Inspiration, Resilience

Every year, the Transplant Games provides an opportunity for transplant recipients and donors to come together to celebrate the gift of life. This year’s Games were held in Cleveland, Ohio […]

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Voices of Hope | 6.14.16

Five Myths About Caregiving

“The word ‘caregiver’ often conjures up the image of someone who stands next to a bed distributing pills or wiping a brow. In reality, a caregiver takes on numerous roles.  […]

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Voices of Hope | 5.31.16

Has Fundraising Helped You? You Can Pay It Forward!

Has fundraising had a positive impact on your life? You have an opportunity to give back to your community and support other families facing a medical crisis. Last week, we […]

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Voices of Hope | 5.20.16

5 Major Transplant Headlines You Missed

Here are some of the milestones and newsbreaks that have touched transplant families since this time last year. 5. Scientists 3D Print Human Body Parts After a decade of research, […]

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Voices of Hope | 4.29.16

I Gave My Kidney To Someone I’d Never Met

In 2014, Debra Brock was facing chronic renal failure after a 30-year battle with insulin-dependent diabetes. A mother of three, grandmother of six and great-grandmother of five, Debra knew she […]

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Voices of Hope | 4.26.16

These Families Were Touched By Transplant

April is Donate Life Month, an opportunity to recognize and celebrate how organ donors and transplants have made a difference for families facing a medical crisis. Since April 2015, 167 […]

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Voices of Hope | 4.19.16

Touched By Transplant: When I Met My Heart Donor’s Family

John “Skeeter” Coleman received a heart transplant in February 2016. Here’s what happened when he sought out the family of the man who donated his heart. As soon as I […]

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Touched By Transplant: What It Feels Like To Get A Heart

In August 2015, John “Skeeter” Coleman was diagnosed with end-stage heart failure. In October 2015, Skeeter and his family began fundraising with HelpHOPELive to prepare for a lifesaving heart transplant. […]

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Zeldathon Hope: How The $250,000 Raised For HelpHOPELive Will Change Lives

Gamers of the world, unite! Between December 27 and January 2, Zeldathon Hope raised $250,000 for HelpHOPELive, converting altruism and gaming prowess into tangible results. Gamers played The Legend of […]

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